Q.: What do I need a lawyer for? Won’t insurance companies settle with me directly if I’m hurt?
A.: You should hire a lawyer simply because the insurance companies understand the system better than you do. While insurers may be obliged to act fairly, they don’t “tie one hand behind their back” because you haven’t got a lawyer, and will take every advantage they can to get rid of your case as cheaply as they can. Insurers may say that you won’t need a lawyer; that’s like someone who hit your car saying you don’t need any car repairs, regardless of what your car looks or works like.
As a personal injury attorney, I have performed this kind of work for over 20 years. I know the ins and outs of claims practice; I know, from my experience litigating for and against insurers, what insurers can or can’t do. And I will fight on your behalf to maximize your settlement. It’s my general experience that the involvement of an attorney in a personal injury claim will almost always increase the claim’s value far and above his contingent fee.
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